Friday, April 07, 2006

Comment Spam

Well, this blog has gotten its first comment spam. One, of all things, promotes software to remove adware, of all things. At the moment, the policy is to just delete such nonsense. You might see such spam if you have some program scan the forum via an automated RSS feed checker, or if you just happen to read such comments soon after they're posted. It isn't a perfect world. There's always some jerk out there to mess things up. On the other hand, if you simply disagree with me, but manage to stay on topic, even remotely, it stays. In Monty Python's movie Life of Brian, Brian tells the crowd whose following him You don't have to follow anybody. You're all individuals!, to which the reply was from one guy who says I'm not. Or something like that. For a favorite scene, it is always a little different when i see it compared to how i remember it. Anyway, there are a few out there who will agree with me on some topics, but at those times, this blog isn't for you.


Stephen said...

That's very funny. OK. I complained about comment spam, and here's comment spam. We'll keep this one.

Got that spammers? Add all your comment spam here!

Stephen said...

The comment spammers have not seen fit to put there spam only here (not that i expected they would. I've turned on word verification. Yes, it's a pain, but there's just too much spam to delete.

Oh great. I get to be the first to enter a 'word'. ddcoujg is hardly a word.