Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm considerably less enamored with winter today than i was yesterday. But while i was out there shoveling, one of my neighbors down the street got stuck with her car inches from freedom. Her front wheels were caught in the hard packed snow that the plow had left at the end of her driveway. So despite having 90% of the car in the road, the car refused to go anywhere. She's a good deal older than i am, so i walked over, cleared out the snow behind both front wheels, and then another neighbor and i pushed the car into the street while she drove.

She was grateful, but i really hope she doesn't get me something for Christmas.

Me? I'm nearly 50. I hope to shovel snow for another 30 or 40 years. If i don't, i hope it's because Global Climate Change has made it moot. It's not that i'm rooting for it to get warmer. That's a disaster i seriously don't wish for. It's that the alternative explanation is that my health won't allow it. And i'd rather live to be a healthy old bastard who shovels his own snow, helping out the younger 70 year old women down the street as needed, thank you very much.

I got to listen to quite a few podcasts while waiting for the driveway and walk to become cleared. For example, a recent study showed that humor is contagious, out to the third degree of separation. IMO, that's much better than passing around the flu. And, i've managed to do better than usual in that regard this season, so far. That tidbit is from Scientific American. This is a show that doesn't insult my intelligence, always has something interesting to say, and does it with a bit of humor. And, it's free for download. What more could you possibly want?

My biggest problem wasn't a sore back or arms. It was 20 degrees F (-6 degrees C). My biggest problem was overheating. My feet were hot in my new boots and wool knee sox. My thighs were a bit chilly, because jeans aren't so hot after all, my head was warm with hat over hood. But i probably shouldn't have also had the sweater on. My solution was to take my gloves off. I didn't just do that for the picture. Nothing wrong with my circulation.


DQKennard said...

I'd like to be a healthy old bastard who doesn't shovel his own snow. Maybe I'll get a snowblower for my 50th birthday. Hell, never mind a snowblower -- how about starting assisted living at 50? I guess at 50, it's not called "assisted living" but instead is "having a housekeeping and maintenance staff," or "living in a hotel."

We had 10-12" of snow on Friday afternoon into Saturday, and another 10-12" on Sunday between about Noon and Midnight. Two feet of snow in two days, and it only bought us a two hour Monday school delay.

We're lucky. There are still 15,000 people without power from the ice storm 10 days ago.

Stephen said...

The best birthday card i've gotten says this:

Don't think of 50 as middle aged.

Middle aged is thirty five.